change: the inevitable
So I feel like I've always known this but it's never been quite as apparent as it is at this particular stage in life: CHANGE. Change that just comes at you and there's not much you can do about it besides fight it (which ain't happenin) or accept it and just roll with it. I think our world really changed last February when our first son Russell was born. Everybody kept saying "you're life is about to change so enjoy it while you can" and all kinds of other comments were made in a demeaning way about kids NOT being such a great thing. Y'all, when Russ was born, it's like things were finally the way they were supposed to be; like we had been missing something all along and now that empty space was filled. Russell completed our family and has brought constant happiness since the moment he entered this world. I know people say that about their kids then turn around and are talking about how they would do anything to go back to a time before kids, bu...